Receive professional recognition, enhance your career and enjoy personal satisfaction. When you share your expertise, colleagues and peers view you as a true resource – someone they can look to for sound guidance and professional leadership.
Open call for articles on the EHS Center
The EHS Center also offers professionals the opportunity to publish articles on our site. If you want to write an article for The EHS Center, check out our requirements for articles to ensure it meets our article guidelines.
Please submit all articles for consideration to: please indicate this is an article for submission.
The EHS Center is seeking articles that cover the following topics; this list is provided as a starting point for potential authors and is not intended to be all-inclusive.
- Business Skills
- Professional Development
- Emergency Management
- Environment
- Hazardous Material
- Ergonomics
- Fire Protection
- Healthcare & Wellness
- Human Behavior
- Industrial Hygiene
- International
- Oil & Gas
- Regulatory Issues
- Public Sector
- Risk Assessment
- Risk Management & Insurance
- Safety Management
- Sustainability
- Technical knowledge
- Standards
- Training
If you want to participate in the writing of a policy, program, or training, consider joining The EHS Center’s Workplace Safety Standards Development Committee.
Want to write a White Paper or research paper for peer review
The EHS Center offers a chance for peer-reviewed publication. The EHS Center’s Editorial Review Board evaluates each submitted manuscript independently using the following nine criteria as a guide. Focus on these areas when developing a manuscript for submission:
- Topic: EHS Center readership crosses a broad spectrum of experience and education. Timeliness and focus on leading-edge topics are especially relevant. Coverage of basic/fundamental topics is acceptable provided it is not a rehash of information available on the site or elsewhere.
- Depth: Topic should be covered in sufficient depth – not be too narrow, broad or complex. If targeting a particular audience (e.g., novice, experienced), indicate this in the cover letter. The author provides a balanced perspective that does not attempt to “oversell” one side or denigrate the other side.
- Timeliness: Article includes current statistics and reflects current accepted practice. References should be relatively current, although older references may be appropriate if there is application to current practice.
- Contributes to knowledge: Information presented should add to or advance the body of knowledge of the profession.
- Applicable: Article should present information and sound practices that are easily extractable and applicable. Lessons learned/how-to applicability is particularly relevant.
- Research or evidence-based: Statements and opinions offered must be supported by facts and viable references. Author opinion should be presented as such, and the author should avoid overgeneralizations.
- Article is well-written. Author should follow accepted conventions for using language. Article should include a brief abstract, effective introduction and solid conclusion. Ideas should be presented in a logical sequence, and the author should provide transitions to connect subtopics.
- Illustrations: Illustrations (photos, graphs, charts) are clear and concise, easy-to-read and self-explanatory. They should clarify and expand on key points or technical issues, and they should be appropriately referenced.
- Adequate references: References should be in proper APA format and all links provided must be accurate (including retrieval date). References should be used and cited appropriately throughout the article to support statements offered and facts presented. The number of references cited should be appropriate for the topic and presentation. The author should not over-rely on one source or on his/her own work.
All submitted manuscripts and White Papers must meet our guidelines.
If interested in submitting a manuscript or White Paper for Peer Reviewed Publication, submit it to:
Want to write a safety guide on a specific industry? Check out the volunteer opportunity with the Adopt an Occupation for Safety
Want to volunteer with The EHS Center to be on the Peer Review Committee? Check out that opportunity here