Welcome to the Accident Prevention Quiz Accidents are: Preventable Costly Part of doing business Both A and B None If an accident or injury occurs, it should be: Ignored, unless it gets worse Told to a manager/supervisor immediatly Reported within a week or 2, so someone knows Employee should be blamed for being hurt None Most accidents are caused by: Bad weather Equipment failure People Poor work directions None I can help prevent accidents by: Doing on tasks and jobs I am trained to do Using only equipment I bring from home Riding in car pools Helping others with their jobs None Most slip and fall accidents are caused by: Rain puddles Things left on floors and walkways Not watching where you walk Both B and C None To help prevent accidents, people who use tools/machines must: Be very careful Not wear glasses Be trained and authorized to use them Work alone None If I am unsure how to do a job, I should: Ask my supervisor/manager Try different ways of doing it Watch videos on Youtube Do the job slowly None Which of the following situations could lead to an accident: Drinking coffee Not getting a good nights rest before work Reading on my break Asking a supervisor/manager how to complete a task None Personal Protective Equipment such as safety shoes, glove and safety glasses: Can be worn when I choose Are specifically required for some jobs Uncomfortable and not nessesary Belong to me None Safety signs provide: Information about hazardous areas Caution information Warnings All of the above None If I see an accident at work: Talk to the person involved Ignore it, because it is none of my business Feel sorry for the person Tell my supervisor and participate in any accident investigation None If I see an electrical hazard I should Report it immediatly Fix it on my next break Use the equipment carefully Both B and C None Name (optional) Join the EHS Center Mailing List (optional) Time's up EHS Center The EHS Center is a resource site for professionals concerned with workplace safety. The resources offered on this site are 100% free to members. ← PreviousHand Tool Safety Quiz Next →Back Safety Quiz